15 May 2024


Report of the Executive


Report of the Leader of the Council





1.1       To provide Council with details of reports received and decisions made by the Executive and any subsequent recommendations to Council since the last meeting of Council on 21 February 2024.





2.1       The following sections provide details of decisions made by the Executive and recommendations to Council since its last meeting on 21 February 2024.  The meetings were held on the following dates:  20 February 2024 (Performance Monitoring); 12 March 2024; 19 March 2024; 16 April 2024 and 7 May 2024.


2.2       20 February 2024 Executive (Performance Monitoring) Meeting

            The Executive Members met on Tuesday 20 February 2024.  Attending the meeting were:  Councillor Carl Les in the Chair and Councillors Gareth Dadd, Derek Bastiman, Michael Harrison, Simon Myers, Janet Sanderson, David Chance, Keane Duncan, Greg White and Annabel Wilkinson.


            In attendance: Councillors Alyson Baker, Barbara Brodigan, Caroline Dickinson, Andrew Lee, Karin Sedgwick, David Staveley, Paul Haslam, George Jabbour, Cliff Lunn and Heather Phillips.


            Apologies:  Councillor Andrew Williams.


Substantive agenda items were:


·         Q3 Performance Monitoring and Budget Report

·         Adoption of the Statement of Community Involvement

·         Area Constituency Committee Feedback Report


The link to the reports and minutes from this meeting is as follows:


Agenda for Executive on Tuesday, 20th February, 2024, 11.00 am | North Yorkshire Council


2.3       12 March 2024 Executive Meeting

            The Executive Members met on Tuesday 12 March 2024.  Attending the meeting were:  Councillor Carl Les in the Chair and Councillors Gareth Dadd, Michael Harrison, Simon Myers, Janet Sanderson, David Chance, Keane Duncan, Greg White and Annabel Wilkinson.


In attendance: Councillors David Ireton and Sam Gibbs.


Apologies: Councillor Derek Bastiman.


Substantive agenda item was:


·         Harrogate Convention Centre Redevelopment


The link to the reports and minutes from this meeting is as follows:


Agenda for Executive on Tuesday, 12th March, 2024, 11.00 am | North Yorkshire Council


2.4       19 March 2024 Executive Meeting

            The Executive Members met on Tuesday 19 March 2024.  Attending the meeting were:  Councillor Carl Les in the Chair and Councillors Gareth Dadd, Derek Bastiman, Michael Harrison, Simon Myers, Keane Duncan, Greg White and Annabel Wilkinson.


In attendance: Councillors George Jabbour, Andrew Murday and Karin Sedgwick.


Apologies:  Councillors David Chance and Janet Sanderson.


Substantive agenda items were:


·         Housing Strategy 2024 to 2029

·         Network North:  Phase 3 Bus Service Improvement Plan Funding Proposal

·         Delivering Better Value in SEND – Acceptance of Grant Allocation from the Department for Education

·         Department for Education (DfE) Grant – Finance Support for Local Authorities Supporting Maintained Schools in Financial Difficulty

·         Boroughbridge High School, Boroughbridge – Proposal to remove Sixth Form Provision

·         Fountains Earth, Lofthouse CE Endowed Primary School – School Closure Proposal

·         Provision of Internal Audit, Counter Fraud and Related Governance Services (Private Item)


The link to the reports and minutes from this meeting is as follows:


Agenda for Executive on Tuesday, 19th March, 2024, 11.00 am | North Yorkshire Council


2.5       16 April 2024 Executive Meeting

            The Executive Members met on Tuesday 16 April.  Attending the meeting were:  Councillor Carl Les in the Chair and Councillors Derek Bastiman, David Chance, Gareth Dadd, Michael Harrison, Simon Myers, Janet Sanderson, Greg White and Annabel Wilkinson.


In attendance:  Councillors Chris Aldred, Liz Collings, Hannah Gostlow and George Jabbour.


Apologies:  Councillor Keane Duncan.


Substantive agenda items were:


·         Amendments to the Council’s Constitution

·         Domestic Abuse Policy for Housing Service – Approval of the Proposed New Policy following Consultation

·         Scrutiny Task and Finish Group – Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Provision in the Scarborough and Whitby Area


The link to the reports and minutes from this meeting is as follows:


Agenda for Executive on Tuesday, 16th April, 2024, 11.00 am | North Yorkshire Council


2.6       7 May 2024 Executive Meeting

            This meeting of the Executive will take place after papers for Full Council have been published. 


Substantive agenda items were:


·         Review of Maximum Hackney Carriage Fares

·         Proposal to close St Hilda’s Ampleforth Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School

·         Adoption of the “Protecting Dark Skies in the Nidderdale National Landscape (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty) Supplementary Planning Document

·         Creation of New Audit Company – Veritau Assurance Limited

·         Area Constituency Committee feedback report.


The link to the reports from this meeting is as follows:


Agenda for Executive on Tuesday, 7th May, 2024, 11.00 am | North Yorkshire Council




3.1       The Executive considered the reports and resolved to recommend the following to the meeting of Full Council for consideration:


3.2       Housing Strategy 2024 to 2029

            This item was considered at the meeting of the Executive held on 19 March 2024.  A separate report is included in the papers for the meeting of Council on 15 May 2024 with the recommendations from the Executive.    


3.3       Amendments to the Council’s Constitution

This item was considered at the meeting of the Executive held on 16 April 2024.  A separate report is included in the papers for the meeting of Council on 15 May 2024 with the recommendations from the Executive.   


4.0       FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS            


4.1        The financial implications are addressed in the reports that went to the Executive.


5.0       LEGAL IMPLICATIONS                   


5.1        The legal implications are addressed in the reports that went to the Executive.


6.0       EQUALITIES IMPLICATIONS                     


6.1        The equalities implications are addressed in the reports that went to the Executive.


7.0       CLIMATE CHANGE IMPLICATIONS                      


7.1       The climate change implications are addressed in the reports that went to the Executive.


Councillor Carl Les


North Yorkshire Council

County Hall



Background Documents:

Reports and minutes of the meetings of the Executive as detailed in the main body of the report.


Note:Members are invited to contact the author in advance of the meeting with any detailed queries or questions.


7 May 2024